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A Steam cleaner 

kills coronavirus and is environment friendly

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EV International - EV-OLUTION



Benefits from 150 °C - 170 °C 
(305 °F - 340 °F) saturated dry steam:
 Fat Dissolving
 100% Disinfection
 Bacteria Eradication
 Odor Neutralization
 Human health and environment protection from chemicals

Here are some good words  for Us

Aenean feugiat, purus quis auctor commodo, dui lacus cursus dolor, at iaculis lectus turpis in felis. Morbi ultricies sed lacus nec imperdiet. Quisque vitae nulla mi. Vivamus a magna velit. Mauris nunc dolor, pellentesque


Sed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec rhoncus lorem quis fringilla aliquet. Nullam quis pelleSed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque.


Sed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec rhoncus lorem quis fringilla aliquet. Nullam quis pelleSed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque.


Sed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec rhoncus lorem quis fringilla aliquet. Nullam quis pelleSed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque.


Sed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec rhoncus lorem quis fringilla aliquet. Nullam quis pelleSed malesuada maximus dolor at pellentesque.

Our Mission

Bacteria, microbes and dust mites elimination with EV 3000i

Certificate specifications:
 From this study on Bacterial and fungicidal efficacy of dry steam  made by Advanced Analytical Technologies, we can see that only after 30 seconds of cleaning with EV’s dry steam almost all of the bacterial and fungi contamination of the tested surfaces is eliminated.
 The results of the study show that the analytical values of bacterial and fungal contamination after the treatment with dry steam are always below the levels indicated by the EU rules for the cleanliness of commercial kitchens, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.
 Dry steam is recognized as an effective sanitizing technique against germs, bacteria and viruses. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) distinguishes it as the most dependable and widely used method for sterilization, due to its high temperature and strong pressure.
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